Dry Application Trial Results

Dry Application Trial Results

You should apply dry pollen with a Kiwi Pollen Duster or Mini Duster to maximise pollination. For best results, use on orchards that are:

  • In orchards where male flowering is less than optimum
  • In orchards where there are insufficient male vines
  • As a pollen top-up to maximise pollination.

Note: data assumes 225,613 fruit pieces per hectare

Crop Year 1997/1998 Pollination System++ Average Fruit Weight (g) Average Tray Count Trays (per ha) Yield (per ha metric ton) Orchard Gate Return (NZ$)
Wind pollination -bees excludedControl9834.5690922.1$3454
Wind pollination -bees excludedHand Pollination13626.2958830.7$6623
Wind pollination -bees excludedPollenAid® system13028.2916529.3$6094
Wind pollination -bees excludedKiwi Pollen Duster w/ 50:50 pollen mix11730.0824926.4$5051


++The operation of Kiwi Pollen Duster is much faster and less labour intensive than hand-spaying PollenAid®

**Returns per 1000 trays were increased by $1597 by using the Kiwi Pollen Duster and by $2640 following pollination by PollenAid treatment. Data courtesy Charles Phare and Pat Sale, Consultants, New Zealand.