Wet application should be used where:

Artificial Pollination can be done by wet or dry application. Both types of application have been proven to have a significant benefit to both the size and Dry Matter of fruit.

  • Orchards have insufficient male vines
  • Bee pollination is not working effectively
  • Orchards are surrounded by other crops that are more attractive to pollinating insects
  • Wind, cold or rain is limiting pollination by bees.

For these factors, we’d recommend Kiwi Pollen and Pollen Aid®.

In replicated trials conducted in No. 4 Road, Te Puke, New Zealand, vines were either pollinated by wind and bees or a combination of wind, bees and the PollenAid® process using the Kiwi Pollen Sprayer. To simulate the effect of wet weather, all male flowers in the treated area were removed prior to flowering. The trial was conducted by an independent consultant and the crop was graded by HortResearch's manager; the late Bruce Stowell.

Pergola Orchard Pollination System Average Fruit Weight (g) Average Tray Count Trays (per ha) Yield (per ha metric ton) Orchard Gate Return (NZ$)
Crop Year 2000/2001Bees (8hives/ha)8836.4462014.8144'000
Crop Year 2001/2002Bees (8 hives/ha) w/ PollenAid® + Airshear10630.3870027.8$382'000